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Il principe demone, il rospo Tsukumo

La ragazza e il mezzo-demone incontrano un ragazzo di nome Nobunaga e vengono condotti in un castello per aiutare la principessa di cui Nobunaga è innamorato. Tuttavia il principe del forte è stato posseduto dal Rospo Tsukumo con l'ausilio di un frammento della sfera.

Mover Ficha

Este documental es una crónica donde se muestra el origen del partido de "Podemos" desde una pequeña librería en Lavapiés en la que se reunían un grupo de profesores universitarios que tenían ansias de cambiar la realidad política de España. Además se analiza la importancia de los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales para darse a conocer y llegar a una ciudadanía desencantada.


El Sagrado Corán dice que, si quieres que tu problema se resuelva, resuelve el problema de los demás. Si quieres ser feliz, tienes que hacer felices a los demás. Si otros son felices gracias a ti, entonces, debido a la alegría que les has dado, Dios hará que seas feliz. El documental sigue las actividades caritativas del Sr. Taqizadeh, un emprendedor y empresario iraní que lleva adelante su empresa de materiales para las industrias de petróleo y gas así como, para las plantas de energía.

Educazione sessuale in Polonia

“Il migliore dei metodi contraccettivi? Il calendario mestruale!”. In Polonia le lezioni di educazione sessuale a scuola (“Corsi preparativi alla vita di famiglia”) sono facoltative e profondamente influenzate dalla morale sessuale della Chiesa cattolica, mentre quelle fornite dalle ONG vengono ostracizzate. Viaggio in un paese lacerato tra l’umiliazione "istituzionalizzata" delle minoranze sessuali e della comunità LGBT, di cui il governo ultra-conservatore è il principale fautore, e la spinta verso la liberalizzazione dei costumi promossa dalle giovani ... continua

Proyecto Lázaro / España

A sus 32 años, Marc Jarvis (Tom Hughes) padece una enfermedad terminal. Le queda un año de vida. Justo ahora que él y Naomi (Oona Chaplin) han empezado a construir una vida juntos. Por eso, incapaz de aceptar su final, Marc decide criogenizar su cuerpo con la esperanza puesta en el futuro. Más de sesenta años después, en 2084, se convierte en el primer hombre resucitado de la Historia, pero su resurrección no se producirá de la forma idílica que Marc había imaginado antes de morir. (FILMAFFINITY)
Año 2016
País: España
Dirección: Mateo Gil
Guion: ... continua

Charlie Shanghaied

A ship owner intends to scuttle his ship on its last voyage to get the insurance money. Charlie, a tramp in love with the owner's daughter, is grabbed by the captain and promises to help him Shanghaiing some seamen. The daughter stows away to follow Charlie. Charlie assists in the galley and attempts to serve food during a gale.

The three musketeers

The three musketeers is a 1921 American silent film based on the novel The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, père. It was directed by Fred Niblo and starred Douglas Fairbanks as d'Artagnan. The film originally had scenes filmed in the Handschiegl Color Process (billed as the "Wyckoff-DeMille Process"). The film had a sequel, The Iron Mask (1929), also starring Fairbanks as d'Artagnan and DeBrulier as Cardinal Richelieu.
The athletic Douglas Fairbanks's one-handed handspring to grab a sword during a fight scene in this film is considered as one of the great stunts ... continua

Son of Ingagi

This is an unusual film about a mad doctor who keeps a monster in the basement. It's unusual for two reasons, one being the mad doctor is a woman, which was strange for the time, and the other was the fact that the film had an all-black cast, which was also unusual, especially for this kind of movie


Palooka is a 1934 comedy film based on the comic strip by Ham Fisher.
Joe Palooka (Stuart Erwin) is a naive young man whose father Pete (Robert Armstrong) was a champion boxer, but his lifestyle caused Joe's mother Mayme (Marjorie Rambeau) to leave him and to take young Joe to the country to raise him. But when a shady boxing manager (Jimmy Durante) discovers Joe's natural boxing talent, Joe decides to follow him to the big city, where he becomes a champion and begins to follow his father's path of debauchery, much of it including the glamorous cabaret singer Nina ... continua

War of the monsters

A giant monster that emits a destructive ray from its back attacks Japan and takes on Gamera